MDBA members must abide by the MDBA Rules, Policies and Codes as well as any legal responsibilities under Local Laws within their own Council Municipality and State responsibilities.
MDBA members are advised to investigate and understand all legal obligations they have within their own Council Municipality in addition to the State obligations listed below. The MDBA strongly advises that any information received should be in writing and this should be kept in an easily accessible file for future reference.
The MDBA also strongly recommends that any state or local laws be seen as the minimum standards they should meet. MDBA members are always encouraged to exceed legal responsibilities when striving towards best practices in dog breeding.
The MDBA is an Approved Organisation under NSW legislation. Members are eligible for reduced council registration fees for their MDBA-registered dogs.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in NSW are:
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2012
Animal Welfare Code of Practice – Breeding Dogs and Cats
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The Victorian Government recognises the MDBA as a Government-approved Applicable Organisation. MDBA Victorian members receive reduced local council dog registration fees, and their dogs are exempt from local council desexing orders. In addition to this, breeder members with less than ten fertile female dogs receive exemptions from domestic animal business requirements under the DA Act.
The laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in VIC are:
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in QLD are:
Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in ACT are:
Animal Welfare Regulation 2001
Animal Welfare (Welfare of Dogs in the ACT) Code of Practice 2010
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in SA are:
Animal Welfare Regulations 2012
Dog and Cat Management Act 1995
Dog and Cat Management Regulations 2017
South Australian Standards And Guidelines for Breeding and Trading Companion Animals 2017
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in NT are:
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
The State laws and regulations applicable to MDBA members residing in TAS are:
Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016
Animal Welfare Guidelines – Breeding Dogs
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.
Please contact your local council or shire for local laws that are applicable.